Email Marketing Fits the Budget and Has a Huge Impact – If You’re Doing it Right
Donna Says: From time to time, I'm going to provide information from other experts who also work with small businesses and their owners. Today, we hear from Steve Hamm, a digital marketing expert with MaaS Pros in Raleigh.

There is the mistaken belief that email marketing has run its course. With so much attention being paid to social media, it makes sense that some folks could get this impression. That said, nothing could be further from the truth! The Harvard Business Review goes so far as to call email marketing the “king” of business-to-consumer outreach tools. What has these experts so convinced?
Inexpensive Marketing Message that Reaches the Consumer
A customer’s email address is an almost automatic “in” into the consumer’s personal sphere. Second only to the actual mailbox, the inbox is the method for most Americans to receive news, stay in contact with businesses and get information about deals, specials and new products. When you compare the high cost of direct mail – the experts put it at more than $600 for about 1,000 pieces – to the moderate cost of a much more far-reaching email campaign, it makes sense to target the inbox rather than the mailbox.
Emails Help Retain Existing Customers
It is not enough to woo new customers; retaining the existing customer is just as important – if not more so. After all, it is the current customer whose word-of-mouth advertising will bring a potential new buyer into the fold. In its course overview for effective email strategies, University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL) experts note that emails serve to reach out to prospective as well as current customers and keep the dialog going.
Measurable Metrics Enhance Your Marketing Campaign Decisions
Is your marketing campaign working? When you rely on hand bills or send out cards, you have no idea if anyone is reading them. You do not even know if they were delivered to your target demographic. With business emails, you have a large array of measurable metrics right at your fingertips. You know if the email was successfully delivered. You can know if it was opened and even what the click-through rates are. When you run multiple email marketing campaigns simultaneously, you even have the option of comparing and contrasting the success of certain wording choices.
Of course, you can only get this type of crucial marketing information when you work with professionals who set up the campaigns, run the reports and then present you with the data. While it is possible to run email marketing campaigns in-house, the comparably low cost makes this impractical. Contact us to discuss the hallmarks of a truly successful email campaign, and do not forget to take a peek at our eBook for additional information.
For more information, contact Steve: